Thursday, August 9, 2018

Autumn storm HP talking about the shop.

The lawsuit against Twitter.

Introduction to the person the living legend Autumn storm HP.

The crystal wheel meditation.

Arcadia occult curio shop home of the old Religion.

Twitter protects a racist communist at all cost!

Okay I'm a gay man and I worship the oldest female deity known to mankind I am a child of the Goddess! And I am who Sarah Jeong is fighting againstn not only have I been labeled a misogynist I've also been labeled homophobic because I'm anti-feminist and I don't want pedophiles being protected by the gay community I am who this nasty little racist cunt is fighting against a gay man who worships the Goddess.

I got a lifetime ban on Twitter for calling Sarah Jeong "a nasty Racist little cunt" that was deemed hate speech. My right to free speech was trumped by a racists right to free speech! I may not have my Twitter account anymore but I have something that Sarah Jeong won't have in six months... a viable career! A tyrant will always end up on the ash heap of History.

And moreover I'm a gay man a First Nation person I am dyslexic and learning disabled a survivor of domestic violence and I'm a member of an oppressed minority religion Witchcraft which my people survived a 900 year period of genocide and still a wealthy Marxist communist racist Asian woman is more Oppressed than I am! Is this The world we're leaving our children?